Fantastic Four: Full Circle

Fantastic Four: Full Circle


Fantastic Four: Full Circle

An all-new Marvel Comics graphic novel starring the Fantastic Four, written and illustrated by renowned artist Alex Ross
It's a rainy night in Manhattan and not a creature is stirring except for . . . Ben Grimm. When an intruder suddenly appears inside the Baxter Building, the Fantastic Four--Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards), the Invisible Woman (Susan Storm Richards), the Human Torch (Johnny Storm), and the Thing (Ben Grimm)--find themselves surrounded by a swarm of invading parasites. These carrion creatures composed of Negative Energy come to Earth using a human host as a delivery system. But for what purpose? And who is behind this untimely invasion?

The Fantastic Four have no choice but to journey into the Negative Zone, an alien universe composed entirely of anti-matter, risking not just their own lives but the fate of the cosmos!

Fantastic Four: Full Circleis the first longform work written and illustrated by acclaimed artist Alex Ross, who revisits a classic Stan Lee-Jack Kirby story from the 1960s and introduces the storyline for a new generation of readers. With bold, vivid colors and his trademark visual storytelling, Ross takes Marvel's first team of super heroes to places only he can illustrate. The book also features a special poster jacket, with the front flap unfolding to reveal an all-new fully painted origin story of the Fantastic Four.

HQ, comics, mangá

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Fantastic Four: Full Circle
Fantastic Four: Full Circle


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Uma bela jornada!
on 25/1/23

Esta graphic novel funciona como uma grande homenagem de Alex Ross para a memória de Stan Lee e Jack Kirby. Por mais estranho que pareça, foi muito interessante de ver a linguagem mais simplista e "inocente" de um roteiro que poderia ter sido escrito por Stan Lee, mas com Alex Ross empregando suas técnicas fotorrealistas com as cores e ambientações dignas de Jack Kirby. Vale a pena, acredito que esta obra funcione tanto para leitures de longa data do Quarteto, quanto para novatos como ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
09/09/2022 10:08:48
editou em:
09/09/2022 10:09:01