Found at Sea

Found at Sea Jaclyn Osborn


Found at Sea (Tales of Fate #1)

Captain Kellan Flynn is cursed. All men fear him, and even more so, they fear what the myths make him out to be. The demon of the sea who sails with no mercy and who won’t hesitate to slit a man’s throat if challenged. But there is more to him, and the curse upon him will someday consume him whole. Unless he finds the key to breaking it.

Fletcher has always dreamed of adventure, of sailing the high seas. But he’s never even left his town of Helmfirth. He spends his days atop his favorite hill overlooking the sea and strumming his lute, wishing for another life. He spends his nights working in the tavern, listening to sailors weave tales of adventure he yearns to experience for himself. That is, until pirates make port and enter the tavern one night.

After being press-ganged to join the crew, Fletcher is both afraid and intrigued by what awaits him aboard the Crimson Night. And it is aboard this legendary ship that he finds something he never expected to find: a pirate captain who awakes desires he’s never felt.

Captain Flynn is captivated by the auburn haired beauty, but he doesn’t want his wickedness to taint someone as innocent and pure as Fletcher. Fletcher knows the captain is dangerous, and yet he can’t stay away.

Life on the sea puts every man to the test, and with time running out, sacrifices have to be made. Can two men who are so different ever find their happily ever after?

*This is an adult m/m romance based in a fantasy world. You'll find pirates, romance, mermaids, and adventure.

Fantasia / LGBT / GLS / Romance

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Found at Sea


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A Warrior

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on 28/12/22

Não me espantou que o livro fosse bom. Essa autora é excelente quando se trata de histórias cheias de aventuras e ação. No começo, eu peguei para ler por pura curiosidade e não consegui largar. Tem ação, muita aventura, seres místicos e um casal de milhões. É muito bom ver a relação deles crescer aos poucos. Recomendo sem pensar duas vezes.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 15
ranking 67
ranking 7
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cadastrou em:
15/07/2020 11:37:58
editou em:
15/07/2020 11:38:42