Girls Weekend

Girls Weekend C. M. Nascosta


Girls Weekend

A Monster Bait Romance

The massive body emerging from the water rippled with well-defined muscle; long, jet-black hair braided down his back. Water sparkled from his dark green shoulders and his considerable endowment stood at half-mast, bobbing as he flipped his wet hair back. Lurielle pressed her thighs together in excitement. This was what they'd come for. The girls watched in silence as the huge orc raised his hand with a lazy smile as they passed."Ladies," Ris announced confidently, turning the wheel to direct the car into the hamlet's road, "this is going to be the best weekend."

A weekend with friends, fun in the sun, and huge, naked orcs. What could be better?

That’s what three suburban elves think when they book a trip to an orc nudist resort, well known for its libidinous residents and hedonistic parties. Ris, Lurielle, and Silva arrive with plans to sample the DTF locals and work on their tans, not catch feelings.
When Lurielle meets a syrupy-voiced gentleman who seems interested in more than just a weekend fling, she finds sticking to the plan is easier said than done. From a public bathhouse to a back alley pub, the trip has unintended consequences on the lives of the three work friends and the orcs they meet.

Can a weekend of no-strings sex actually end in love?

Girls Weekend is a monster romance novella (50k words) and is the first book of a limited series, which should be read as a series. There is a guaranteed HEA for all characters by the series end, but your author is going to make them work for it. CWs include: multiple POV and non-linear storytelling, non-human characters, size difference, MFF scenes, and naked group activities.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Girls Weekend


(2) ver mais
Parties: Girls Weekend Book 2; a Monster Bait Romance (English Edition)

Resenhas para Girls Weekend (1)

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on 23/9/22

Gostei bastante da estória (já tinha conhecido alguns dos personagens no livro no Minotauro), achei as mulheres divertidas, os homens quentes e a estória rapidinha. Gostaria do livro ser maior, assim, poderia ter tido um maior desenvolvimento, mas o plot foi nos apresentar o final de semana delas, na colônia de nudismo Orc. Amei demais a estória da Lurielle e o Kash (foi o melhor), gostei muito da Silva e Tate (que calorrrr...o trio foi bem legal) e a Ris, senti falta de conhecê-la mel... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
17/02/2022 01:34:50
editou em:
17/02/2022 01:36:12