Giving In

Giving In Lola King


Giving In (Stoneview Stories #1)


Jake White is our king.

A king with a crown of thorns, a heart of stone, and evil in his soul. He hides it well though, under a beautiful smile and eyes that ravage your heart.
But Stoneview Prep's golden boy has always had a dark aura around him. Like a well-guarded secret. A blackness that he never lets anyone see.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Jamie." My mom always tells me.

She never said it would get me in more trouble than I could handle. She never said it would throw me into the dark world of Jake White. And when I not-so-accidentally find out part of Jake's past, I finally learn the consequences of mischievous nosiness.

Curiosity doesn't kill this cat. It turns it into a mouse to be played with.

At least that's what Jake decided.


Three years. That's how much my twin and I got of freedom before our past caught up with us.

We were doing well, we were being good, we were keeping out of trouble. Most of all, I was in control.
But trouble always finds a reason to make its way back to us. And when it does, Jamie Williams is here to witness it.
In the morning I learned of her existence, in the afternoon she was spying on me like a fangirl.

This girl is desperate to find out what's behind the golden boy's facade I was kind enough to put on.

So be it.

I have time on my hands, darkness on my mind, and a hundred ways to make Jamie Williams bend to my will.

This book is approximately 92,000 words and is the first book of a three-book series. Giving In is a dark high school bully romance intended for mature readers. It contains detailed sexual scenes and bullying scenes that some readers may find triggering. If you are unsure of your triggers, please heed the author's trigger warning in the book.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Giving In


(3) ver mais
Giving Away
Giving Up
One Last Kiss

Resenhas para Giving In (1)

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on 1/3/24

Não vou mentir, o livro me prendeu muito, os personagens são duvidosos demais mas é um livro interessante, o que erra muito é ser 3 livros, não tem a menor necessidade disso. Mas não continuei o segundo livro, foi um dos casos que tive a abandonar a leitura Mesmo que seja muito bem escrito, eu queria um romance e no romance em si não gostei, gosto de personagens duvidosos, mas nesse caso não teve como passar pano em vários momentos e pra mim isso foi motivo suficiente pra eu deixar d... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
28/07/2021 11:11:39
editou em:
14/09/2022 19:53:21