Good Sensations

Good Sensations S.L. Scott


Good Sensations

Welcome to Paradise #3

Evan Ashford is sex personified. He makes me feel things I never have and crave things Im not sure I should. Time doesnt exist when were togetherall of our worries becoming obsolete. Our tongues touch, and as if by memory, they move in harmony, feeling at peace, feeling at home.

Despite his mothers best efforts to drive us apart and the miles that separate us, Im readyready to claim whats mine.

In an instant, his lips are pressed firmly against mine, consuming my words as if hearing them isnt enough. Desire turns to need as he tastes and savors every syllable ever spoken from my heart to his.

Mallory Wray caught my attention and stole my heart. The emerald of her eyes draws me in, and its so easy to see why I fell in love with her. I run my hand over her cheek and into her hair, admiring everything Ive missed so much. That familiar intensity that formed our bond back in Hawaii exists again. Its comforting, engulfing, making my chest ache in the most painfully acute way. My heart feels grounded in her. This is right, this is us, I can finally breathe again.

Her hand settles on my cheek and a soft smile appears. My sweet surfer. What a change a month makes.

Its not the month that changed me. Its the girl. I turn and kiss her palm. You make me want more than I feel I deserve.

You deserve everything your heart desires.

My heart only desires you.

Then Im yours. All yours. Always.

Life has taken these two young lovers in different directions. Can their love bring them back together? Will they be able to find their paradise once again?

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Good Sensations



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Andrea Simionatto
cadastrou em:
24/12/2013 21:21:06