Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse than You Think (English Edition)

Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse than You Think (English Edition) Marc Morano


Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse than You Think (English Edition)

Marc Moranos analysis of the proposed Green New Deal is eye-opening and damning. In his new book, Green Fraud: Why the New Green Deal Is Even Worse than You Think, Morano exposes the program as a far-left agenda filled with progressive policies disguised as a way to save the planet. No matter what the environmental scare-of-the-day may be, Morano says, the same solution is always proposed -- and that solution should scare us. Morano clearly shows how the Green New Deal will lay a path for global governance, resulting in less freedom, less sovereignty, massive government bureaucracy, and significant, crippling wealth redistribution. Drawing on past new deals to illustrate the impact such deals have on the United States, Morano will explain how FDRs New Deal and Lyndon Johnsons Great Society really impacted American society. And this latest big government program is no different. In Green Fraud, Morano reveals: How the Green New Deals objectives extend far beyond the environment -- including free college; healthy food for all; safe, affordable, adequate housing provided by the government; and other far-left agenda items That in Europe, where climate policies are years ahead of the United States, energy rationing, low economic growth, and rising costs are leading to misery and even death among Europeans How even Green New Deal allies such as the New York Times and Washington Post have outed the legislation as a wish-list of progressive policies How America can and must defeat the Green New Deal and restore sanity to the climate and energy policy discussion

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Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse than You Think (English Edition)



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