Guarded by the Grizzly: A Fated Mates Shifter Romance

Guarded by the Grizzly: A Fated Mates Shifter Romance BELLA DRAKE


Guarded by the Grizzly: A Fated Mates Shifter Romance (SWAT Shifters Book 2 #2)

He’d do anything for her. She’s trapped in a loveless marriage. When duty and destiny are pitted against each other, will desire lead to disaster?
Bear shifter Nash Barnes is a relentless agent of justice. Sworn to his FBI SWAT team, nothing comes between him and protecting his community. Until he meets Aria. But when he discovers his fated mate is already married to another man, his distress puts his teammates’ lives at risk.

Aria Morgan is desperately unhappy. Trapped in a marriage of convenience to a mean, abusive cartel member, she’s long since given up on love. But when a handsome stranger defends her from her aggressive husband, she can’t quite convince herself to send him away.

When Nash offers to kick her husband out of her house, she’s torn. She longs to finally be free of him and explore the explosive chemistry brewing between her and the sexy agent, but taking her shot at love could cost Aria her life.

With a target on her back, there’s nothing Nash won’t do to protect his true mate.

Guarded by the Grizzly is the seductive second book in the SWAT Shifters paranormal romance series. If you like fated mates, steamy scenes, and strong heroes, then you’ll love Bella Drake’s pulse-pounding new series.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Guarded by the Grizzly: A Fated Mates Shifter Romance


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Held by the Hawk: A Fated Mates Shifter Romance (SWAT Shifters Book 3) (English Edition)
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on 18/8/23

Mais interessante que o primeiro, um casal mais dinâmico e com um pouco de dificuldade e tensão pra gerar plot, mesmo num livro tão curto. Gostei, e fácil de ler e não frusta a gente pq não tinha expectativa nenhuma... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
15/08/2023 11:20:59
editou em:
15/08/2023 11:21:22