Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home Scarlett Metal


Home Sweet Home

(I Remember You, #2)

Things for Lance and Samantha have been picture perfect since they reunited four years ago. They are happily married with a little girl and another baby on the way. Lance's career with the Forbidden Gods is stronger than ever. Samantha has some best selling books to her name and her writing career is taking off.

In just a few short months, that perfect world starts to shatter. Lance has to go on tour without Sam. He has creative differences with management over the band's latest album that have left him frustrated. He suffers loss after loss, not knowing if he can take much more. He turns to alcohol to numb the pain just like he did all those years ago when Sam left him.

Sam tries to be strong for her family when tragedy threatens to pull them apart but when Lance isn't there for her when she needs him the most, she questions everything she ever believed about them and their love.

Lance is lost and hanging by a thread. Can Sam save him? Or is it too late? Will Lance be able to find his way back home?

Erótico / Romance

Edições (2)

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Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home


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I Remember You

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Home Sweet Home - I Remember You #02 - Scarlett Metal
on 18/9/13

Gostei do livro, mas nada comparado com o primeiro. Esse livro é mais denso e mostra a relação de Lance e Sam depois de casados. Lance e Samantha se casaram há quatro anos, tem uma vida familiar sólida, e após a reconciliação não passaram mais de 1 noite separados um do outro. Eles valorizam o tempo que têm juntos e com a sua filha de 3 anos. No entanto a banda de Lance vai sair em uma turnê e pela primeira vez depois que voltaram, Samantha não vai estar com Lance, por causa de seus... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 73
ranking 22
ranking 16
ranking 45
ranking 12
ranking 4



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23/05/2015 13:51:30