How to Fake-Date a Vampire

How to Fake-Date a Vampire Linsey Hall


How to Fake-Date a Vampire (Charming Cove #2)

Faking it with a vampire duke should be easy, right?

I’ve got one chance to prove to my coven that I’m worth my wand. But to do it, I'm going to have to make a deal with a vampire duke. I get to use his gorgeous estate in Cornwall to host the Beltane Ball--and in exchange, I'll pretend to be his girlfriend. But it's all a show for his grandmother.

The rules of our fake relationship are simple:
No flirting. No emotion. No sex. Easy, right?

Except I can't seem to ignore the allure of the infuriating and devastatingly sexy vampire. Falling for a duke isn’t an option, though. I would lose the anonymity that protects me and my coven, and that would ruin my life--and the lives of the other witches in my coven.

So yeah, totally easy.

How to Fake-Date a Vampire is a fun, frothy romantic comedy full of laughter, love, and magical hijinks. It’s the second in a series of stand alone romances set in the seaside village of Charming Cove. The books do not need to be read in order.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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How to Fake-Date a Vampire


Resenhas para How to Fake-Date a Vampire (3)

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Vampiro e bruxa que só querem manter a avó do boy viva
on 4/11/23

Ele é um vampiro e além disso é um duque, mas ele se preocupa muito com a avó dele que não anda com uma aparência muito boa. A mocinha é meio azarada, poderosa, mas não descobriu o seu dom ainda. Depois de dois encontros vergonhosos, o terceiro ele propõe que ela finja ser namorada dele para manter a avó dele viva e alegre e se ela concordar vai poder fazer a festa do coven dela na casa centenária dele. E com isso eles vivem um romance bem fofo e que tem o plot de uma cama só. Outr... leia mais


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Bya/ @thebook_andthegirl
cadastrou em:
17/09/2023 18:06:08
Bya/ @thebook_andthegirl
editou em:
17/09/2023 18:06:51