I Am God

I Am God Giorgio Faletti


I Am God

Who Lives... Who Dies? ... I decide.

A serial killer holds New York in his grip. He does not choose his victims. Nor does he watch them die. But then there are too many of them for that. The explosion of a twenty-two storey building, followed by the casual discovery of a letter, lead the police to face up to a dreadful reality: some of New York’s buildings were mined at the time of their construction.

But which ones? And how many? A young female detective hiding her personal demons behind a tough appearance, and a former press photographer with a past he’d rather forget, and for which he still seeks forgiveness, are the only hope of stopping this psychopath.

A man who does not even claim responsibility for his actions.

A man who believes himself to be God.

I didn’t know exactly what to expect from I Am God when I started to read it. I thought the book had to many options how to tell the story, but nothing I imagined happened. It’s strange to read a book of an author you’ve never read before, mainly when I didn’t even read a book review from a novel he wrote. But that is what I did with I Am God: I took a chance.

We start the book being presented to the person who is responsible for a mass attack. We don’t know who this person is, and it could be anyone. But who think the book is about the assassin is severely wrong. The assassin is the base tying everything together, it’s the principle, the omnipresent force in this book: and that’s why the title is so fitting. I liked it.

We have lots of main characters in this book, but the central ones are, without a doubt, the detective Vivien and the journalist Russel, both engaged to the investigation that tries to find the responsible for the main event in the story. The history and their development around the investigation is what gave the book a rhythm, even though it is a slow one.

This book won’t give you a adrenaline shot, and even if there’s suspense you can’t expect to many surprises while reading. I liked the end, and thought the book was a good one to pass time in a rainy afternoon.

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I Am God



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23/07/2011 17:22:03

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