Identification and Quantification of Drugs, Metabolites, Drug Metabolizing Enzymes, and Transporters: Concepts, Methods and Translational Sciences (English Edition)

Identification and Quantification of Drugs, Metabolites, Drug Metabolizing Enzymes, and Transporters: Concepts, Methods and Translational Sciences (English Edition) Shuguang Ma...


Identification and Quantification of Drugs, Metabolites, Drug Metabolizing Enzymes, and Transporters: Concepts, Methods and Translational Sciences (English Edition)

Identification and Quantification of Drugs, Metabolites, Drug Metabolizing Enzymes, and Transporters, Second Edition, is completely updated to provide an overview of the last decades numerous advances in analytical technologies for detection and quantification of drugs, metabolites, and biomarkers. This new edition goes beyond LC-MS and features all-new chapters on how to evaluate drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, potential for hepatic and renal toxicity, immunogenicity of biotherapeutics and translational tools for predicting human dosage, safety and efficacy of small molecules and biologics. This book will be an important handbook and desk reference for pharmacologists, toxicologists, clinical scientists, and students interested in the fields of pharmacology, biochemistry, and drug metabolism. Four sections in the book with 24 chapters give readers an overview of state-of-the-art techniques for identifying and quantifying drugs, metabolites and biomarkers, including a chapter on new approaches for quantification of enzymes and transporters in different tissues Focuses on the role of drug metabolism enzymes, transporters in disposition and drug-drug interactions, as well as strategies for evaluating drug metabolism and safety using advanced liver and kidney models. Discussions on immunogenicity risks of biologics and their evaluation methods have been included Includes several chapters on advanced translational sciences to predict human dosage, pharmacokinetics and efficacy for small molecules and biotherapeutics All chapters are written by experts with a wide range of practical experience from the industry and academia

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Identification and Quantification of Drugs, Metabolites, Drug Metabolizing Enzymes, and Transporters: Concepts, Methods and Translational Sciences (English Edition)



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João gregorio
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01/05/2021 07:19:40