Inuyasha #18

Inuyasha #18 Rumiko Takahashi


Inuyasha #18

Love and Lust

InuYasha cuts off one of Kageromaru's arms; when the injured "detachment" hides underground, Sango poisons the nearby soil to drive him back up. Kageromaru emerges and disappears back into Juromaru's gut. InuYasha unleashes the Wind Scar to destroy both detachments. Nearly hit by the Wind Scar himself, Koga argues with InuYasha until Kagome ends it with a "sit"; after Koga departs, InuYasha jealously argues with Kagome and she goes home.

Naraku sends a giant soul-collector demon to deprive Kikyo of the dead souls she uses for energy. Unable to fight the demon, she flees, running into InuYasha as he waits near the Bone Eater's Well for Kagome's return. InuYasha destroys the demon. Kikyo tells him that Naraku tricked her into sealing InuYasha onto the sacred tree out of jealousy, wanting to eliminate his rival and take her for himself more than he wanted the Shikon Jewel. Kagome returns to see Kikyo and Inuyasha embracing, while Naraku secretly watches all of them in Kanna's mirror.

Kikyo uses soil from Onigumo's cave to protect herself from Naraku, whose right arm she then shoots off; when one of his demons touches her, it dissolves. She warns him to leave her alone or suffer the same fate.

Kagome gives her supplies to Miroku and Sango and returns home again. Miroku tells InuYasha to go to Kagome to retrieve her jewel shard and then leave her alone.

When Kagome's friends again tell her to dump InuYasha, she tells them he dumped her and she doesn't want to talk about it. Although she says she is fine, they sense her grief. She cannot make herself return the shard to InuYasha because she might never see him again, exposing how deeply she loves him. She finally returns to InuYasha, confessing that she needs to be with him even if he is still in love with Kikyo.

Naraku's castle disintegrates and the barrier hiding its location dissipates. When InuYasha's group investigates the ruins, the remains of Sango's family convinces them that it is the real thing and they move the remains to sacred ground.
Kohaku has forgotten Naraku, but the sight of approaching saimyosho jogs his memory and he flees. He encounters InuYasha's group, which fights off the saimyosho from taking the jewel shard that keeps Kohaku alive. As Sango treats Kohaku's wounds, she tells him that he is her brother. More demons come with Kagura, who demands Kohaku's shard despite suspecting that Naraku is playing a trick on them.

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Inuyasha #18



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06/01/2014 18:26:33