Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey

Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey The Countess of Carnarvon


Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey

The Lost Legacy of Highclere Castle

Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey tells the story behind Highclere Castle, the real-life inspiration for the hit PBS show Downton Abbey, and the life of one of its most famous inhabitants, Lady Almina, the 5th Countess of Carnarvon and the basis of the fictional character Lady Cora Crawley. Drawing on a rich store of materials from the archives of Highclere Castle, including diaries, letters, and photographs, the current Lady Carnarvon has written a transporting story of this fabled home on the brink of war.

Much like her Masterpiece Classic counterpart, Lady Almina was the daughter of a wealthy industrialist, Alfred de Rothschild, who married his daughter off at a young age, her dowry serving as the crucial link in the effort to preserve the Earl of Carnarvon's ancestral home. Throwing open the doors of Highclere Castle to tend to the wounded of World War I, Lady Almina distinguished herself as a brave and remarkable woman.

This rich tale contrasts the splendor of Edwardian life in a great house against the backdrop of the First World War and offers an inspiring and revealing picture of the woman at the center of the history of Highclere Castle

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Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey


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Um livro leve de cunho histórico
on 27/1/21

Sabem por que este livro é bom? Porque tem de tudo. A história de vida da Lady Almina passa por diversas etapas, todas diferentes entre si, mas igualmente fascinantes. Ele fala, sim, sobre a aristocracia britânica, seus costumes e deveres, mas também vai além disso, mergulhando em eventos históricos - a I Guerra - e outras descobertas científicas - as escavações no Egito -, de uma forma leve, sucinta e interessante. Tudo entrelaçado com a história de uma família que está lá, no mesmo l... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 3
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Lia Costa
cadastrou em:
12/06/2012 20:03:48