Lady and the Camper Van

Lady and the Camper Van Miranda Markwell...


Lady and the Camper Van

Embark on an extraordinary adventure with "The Lady and the Camper Van" – a captivating novel that will redefine your perception of #vanlife. Join Mona, an ambitious reporter with a skeptical mind, as she delves into the world of one of YouTube's most beloved van girls, Lucy. With her trusty feline companion, U-Haul, Lucy roams North America in her legendary camper van, capturing the hearts of millions through her "Lady and the Camper Van" channel.

Assigned to shadow Lucy on a transformative journey through the breathtaking landscapes of the Yellowstone region, Mona's mission is twofold: to unveil the truth behind the allure of #vanlife and expose it as a potential sham, debunking the idyllic images often portrayed on social media. Armed with her doubts and preconceptions, Mona believes she will expose the harsh realities and exorbitant costs hidden beneath the glossy surface.

Yet, as Mona and Lucy traverse the majestic wonders of Yellowstone National Park, their preconceived notions slowly unravel. Amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, they discover a bond that transcends the confines of their camper van. In the face of triumphs and hardships, their journey becomes a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the profound connections that can be forged amidst the simplicity of a nomadic life.

"The Lady and the Camper Van" invites you to experience the captivating allure of wanderlust, where the open road unveils the unexpected. With vivid prose and an intimate portrayal of the van-life community, this novel takes you on a heartfelt exploration of friendship, self-discovery, and the unanticipated romance that can blossom when least expected.

Prepare to be swept away by a tale that challenges assumptions, inspires introspection, and reminds us that the road less traveled may be the very path that leads us to our true selves. Join Mona and Lucy on their unforgettable journey, and allow "The Lady and the Camper Van" to ignite the wanderlust within your soul.

LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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on 1/3/24

Para mim, este livro é basicamente uma narrativa de encontros, tanto consigo mesmo como a própria sexualidade, e com a possibilidade de um futuro, ou pelo menos uma felicidade temporária. Gostei bastante da forma como o ponto de vista vai alternando entre as protagonistas, e adorei o final.... leia mais


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01/03/2024 21:08:40