Like Wind on a Dry Branch #2

Like Wind on a Dry Branch #2


Like Wind on a Dry Branch #2

Chapter 14 to 24

The real purpose of the Empress hidden in the Great Consecration Ceremony!
Empress Aversati decides to hold a consecration ceremony at Habitus Abbey to forgive and bless Killian, the bloodwind that blows into the Habitus Temple . Why did she create this position until the Empress, who was trying to kill Killian's life, pushed for his restoration? After the reunion of the Empress and Killian is over, Killian heads to the bedroom and finds the Empress's cousin, High Priest, dead in her closet. If you are accused of killing the priest and the empress's blood relatives who will be in charge of the ceremony of forgiveness, even Killian will not be able to avoid punishment! “I have prepared several gifts for you.” Can Killian and Rieta avoid the wind of blood blowing towards the Temple of Habitus?
These are physical copies of Like Wind on a Dry Branch manhwa.

Fantasia / HQ, comics, mangá / Romance

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Like Wind on a Dry Branch #2


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Like Wind on a Dry Branch #1
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Like Wind On a Dry Branch²
on 18/12/22

Essa história escalou MUITO e de um jeito MUITO rápido KKKKKKKKKKK. Sanou algumas dúvidas e suspeitas que eu tinha em relação a Rieta, mas ao mesmo tempo me deixou ainda mais confusa com o universo dessa história e todas as questões políticas. E essa rainha???? Mano que maluquice, não sei nem o que dizer KKKKKKKKK. Acho que boa parte da minha confusão com tudo se deve ao inglês super hiper rebuscado que eles usam. É umas frases super difíceis e que dão voltas e voltas pra dizer uma ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 21
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