Little Ghosts

Little Ghosts Gregg Dunnett


Little Ghosts

One moment my beautiful daughter, her face flushed from the sun, her curls still wet from splashing in the ocean, was waiting in line for a strawberry ice cream, the next she was gone As I sit in her dimly lit bedroom, surrounded by flickering candles, I feel the crushing weight of my daughters absence. It's been two years since Layla was murdered. The police have searched tirelessly for her killer, but they've found nothing it's like whoever did it vanished into thin air. My once-perfect marriage is falling apart, we can hardly look at each other anymore. Our ten-year-old son Gale is struggling. Hes changed since she died. Hes more secretive and also I cant quite put my finger on it. They were so close, is this Gale coming to terms with her death? Still, unease creeps over me as I watch him. He just stares past me at something I cant see. Then one day, as I butter his toast for breakfast, my son tells me something that stops me in my tracks. "I know who killed Layla. I can barely get the words out to ask how. Looking at me with his serious little boy expression, he puts a hand on my arm. She told me. The only book you need to read this year. From the #1 bestselling author, this is a gripping, emotional, heartbreaking novel full of twists and turns, and an ending youll never see coming What readers say about Gregg Dunnett: The writing is stunning An exceptional story. A must read. Online reviewer, 5 stars I couldnt put it down I loved it so much. Online reviewer, 5 stars Pretty darn thrilling I read a lot of books, perhaps two a week. And this is my favorite book in a long, long time! Read it! Online reviewer, 5 stars This story kept you on your toes until the end. Lots of twist and turns. Never expected that ending. Loved the main character! Online reviewer, 5 stars Hard to put down There are so many twists and turns If you want to read one of the best psychological thrillers out there, you need to get a copy right away. Online reviewer, 5 stars As good as everyone said it was! Gregg Dunnett has a real talent for keeping you guessing and providing shocking twists at the end. Online reviewer, 5 stars I thought I had it figured out, but boy was I wrong! I stayed up way too long to finish it! I totally recommend reading this book! Online reviewer, 5 stars

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João gregorio
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11/05/2023 16:55:33