
CyberStorm Matthew Mather



Mike Mitchell is an average New Yorker struggling just to keep his family together when a string of disasters shreds the bustling megacity around them. The Internet and communication networks go down...a deadly epidemic rages across the country...then a monster snowstorm cuts New York off from the world.

Days go by without contact to the outside world. Then weeks. Murder and vigilante justice replace law and order. Millions fight to survive. In the chaos, conspiracy theories rage about a foreign cyberattack. Was it the North Koreans? The Russians? The Chinese? Might it be the first shockwave of a global shift in power? But even these questions become unimportant as Mike and his family struggle for survival in the wintry tomb of a doomed New York.

[FROM THE BACK COVER]: Matthew Mather is a leading cybersecurity expert who presented in Washington to the FBI and CIA, warning of the impending danger of possible cyberattacks like the one that "hobbled Atlanta" in March of 2018 as reported by The New York Times. Translated in twenty three countries, CyberStorm is a worldwide bestseller, a new apocalyptic disaster classic in the spirit of On the Beach, Alas Babylon, One Second After, and Lucifer's Hammer that will appeal to fans of Tom Clancy and Brad Thor.

Award-winner of the GoodReads Choice Awards in 2013, millions of readers voted CyberStorm into the Top 20 of its category on Goodreads. It has ranked as the number one bestseller in Amazon's technothrillers, conspiracy, military, post-apocalyptic, terrorism, and science fiction categories.

[Reviews]: " If you like realistic doomsday-type fiction, I recommend this one." - Michael Gallagher, Amazon Vine Voice Hall of Fame Top-10 Reviewer.

"So great, I wish I'd come up with it myself..." - HUGH HOWEY , author of Wool (praise for Atopia series).

" The plausible nightmare scenario in this story absolutely terrifies me." - Jeremey Bray, book reviewer for Global Geek News.

" A chilling prophecy...well written." - Ian Peterson, book reviewer for Sci-Fi Readers.

"CyberStorm is such a page turner. I couldn't wait to see what happened next!" - Adria Fraser, book reviewer for Amazing Stories.

[About the Author]: Matthew is the best-selling author of CyberStorm and the six-part hit series Atopia Chronicles. He's also a leading member of the world's cybersecurity community who started out his career working at the McGill Center for Intelligent Machines. He went on to found one of the world's first tactile feedback companies, which became the world leader in its field, as well as creating a major award-winning brain training video game. In between he's worked in a variety of start-ups,everything from computational nanotechnology to electronic health records, weather prediction systems to genomics, and even social intelligence research. He spends his time between Charlotte, NC, and Montreal, QC, hanging out with his bright and beautiful girlfriend Julie and their three dogs and a cat that thinks he's one.

Aventura / Distopia / Drama / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

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