
YESTERDAY SON (The Yesterday Saga #Book 1)

With the help of the Vulcan leader T'Pau, Spock gets permission to use the Guardian of Forever, a portal through time constructed by a long-vanished race, to venture into the past. On another trip into history, on the planet Sarpeidon, Spock had loved a woman who could not return with him to the future, and now Spock wishes to see the son she bore him, 5,000 years earlier. But a Romulan attack on the Guardian's planet could interfere, unless the EnterpriseTM can keep the Guardian out of their hands.

The Romulans attack the planet Gateway, where Federation scientists are studying the Guardian of Forever -- the mysterious portal to the past. The Starship Enterprise™ must protect the Guardian -- or destroy it. But Spock has already used the portal to journey to the past. On the planet Sarpedion, 5,000 years ago, Spock knew a beautiful, primitive woman. Now he has gone back to meet his son!

[About the Author]: A.C. Crispin (1950–2013) was the author of more than twenty novels, including the StarBridge series. [...] New York Times Bestselling Author A. C. (Ann) Crispin's major original science fiction undertaking was her StarBridge series. These books, now available as Kindle ebooks and in audiobook editions from Audible, center around a school for young diplomats, translators and explorers, both alien and human, located on an asteroid far from Earth. There are seven StarBridge books: StarBridge, Silent Dances, Shadow World, Serpent's Gift, Silent Songs, Voices of Chaos, and Ancestor's World.

A. C. wrote prolifically in many different tie-in universes, and was a master at filling in the histories of beloved TV and movie characters. Over the years, she became the unofficial "Queen of Backstory." Ms. Crispin had a unique talent for writing dialog that captured the essence of those characters. She began publishing in 1983 with the Star Trek novel Yesterday's Son, written in her spare time while working for the US Census Bureau. Shortly thereafter, Tor Books commissioned her to write what is perhaps still her most widely read work, the 1984 novelization of the television miniseries, V, which sold more than a million copies. She went on to collaborate on two more books in the V series, East Coast Crisis with Howard Weinstein, and Death Tide with Deborah Marshall.

For Star Wars, she wrote the bestselling Han Solo Trilogy: The Paradise Snare, The Hutt Gambit, and Rebel Dawn, which tell the story of Han Solo from his early years right up to the moment he walks into the cantina in Star Wars: A New Hope. She wrote three other bestselling Star Trek novels: Time for Yesterday, The Eyes of the Beholders, and Sarek.

Crispin and science fiction Grand Master Andre Norton wrote two Witch World novels together, Gryphon's Eyrie and Songsmith, that are finally available as ebooks. Crispin and Andre Norton were friends for nearly 30 years. These two books showcase the best qualities of both writers and add intriguing details to the Witch World saga.

Ann's historical fantasy for young adults, TIME HORSE, is now available as an ebook for Kindle. It's the story of Danielle Tomasky, who is twelve years old and wants nothing in the world but a horse to ride. She finds a horse that turns out to be something extraordinary, and that takes her on a magnificent adventure back to a time that tests every one of Danni's equestrian skills to their limits.

Crônicas / Drama / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

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Jornada nas Estrelas - O Filho de Spock - Saga Passado 2
Time For Yesterday (A)


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