Only The Devil Knows: Serial Killers

Only The Devil Knows: Serial Killers Katze Snow...


Only The Devil Knows: Serial Killers (Criminal Delights #3)

— I don't paint with ink. I paint with blood. —

My name is Max, but people call me The London Whipper. I’ve been silent for many years. Now I’m ready to make my final move.

Nathaniel Harris, a psychologist who works with the criminally insane.

Genevieve Knight, the Chief Inspector determined to find me once and for all.

Wyatt Pearson, the beautiful boy who believes I’m a hero instead of a cold-blooded murderer.

Each of these people has one thing in common—they all want me. But what happens when my whip tangles around them and distorts everything they believe to be true?

I’ve kept my identity under wraps… until now. It’s time to show the public what I’ve been working on. After all, what’s a serial killer if he doesn’t have some artistic flair and his favourite boy at his side?

* * *

Max doesn’t kiss very often, but when he does, he burns me to ashes every time. I’m putty in his hands, and he knows it. He revels in it.
And so do I.

Themes: D/s relationship, forbidden love, BDSM, forced proximity
Genres: Dark M/M Thriller, Psychological
Heat level: Scorching explicit scenes, rough, consensual

This book is part of CRIMINAL DELIGHTS. Each novel can be read as a standalone and contains a dark M/M romance.
Warning: These books are for adult readers who enjoy stories where lines between right and wrong get blurry. High heat, twisted and tantalizing, these are not for the fainthearted.

Crime / LGBT / GLS

Edições (1)

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Only The Devil Knows: Serial Killers


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on 7/9/21

Até hoje não sei se esse livro é realmente tão bom que eu não entendi o conceito ou tão ruim que ficou mediano. O que eu sei é que esse foi um dos livros mais violentos que eu li, é como realmente estar na cabeça de um serial killer, como ele lida com tudo é assustador. Eu realmente me apeguei aos personagens, eu torci tanto pro Nathaniel vencer? e o final foi desafiador, nunca me senti tão enganada na vida!!... leia mais


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05/03/2020 11:42:40