The Lies we Steal

The Lies we Steal Monty Jay


The Lies we Steal (The Hollow Boys #1)

It’s been months since the day we stood above that empty grave that stunk of burnt flesh and secrets. All of us were dressed to the nines, one of us wearing a wedding dress, a day that was supposed to mark the beginning of a new adventure.
It marked the bitter end of our vengeance.
We have done things that have marked our souls for eternity.
But before we get there, we have to go back.
Back to where it all started.
The place I could find in my sleep.
Hollow Heights University in the macabre, somber seaside town of Ponderosa Springs.
A college for prestigious, wealthy children to receive the highest education. A town drowning in treachery and secrets that became our damnation.
But it wasn’t the forest surrounding the grounds or even the mysterious hidden mausoleum that haunted me.
It was them.
The ones that lurked in the night, things so wicked, so twisted, so evil, they would become the rulers of my nightmares.
The Hollow Boys.
One wrong move and I landed myself directly in their line of fire.
This is not a story about love, it is not a story of happy endings.
Love just happened to blossom in our sorrows, in our pain, our fear, our blood.
Every terrible thing they ever did, we watched, we helped, we loved them anyway.
Some run from their monsters, we fell in love with ours.

Jovem adulto / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (3)

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The Lies we Steal
The Lies we Steal
Theo Lies we Steal


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The Blood we Crave
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Resenhas para The Lies we Steal (103)

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E não é que no final me rendi ao Alistair?
on 14/4/24

?Being scared doesn?t make you weak, letting it stop you does.? Eu gostei bastante do livro, a proposta do grupo é bem boa e as cenas são colocadas de um jeito que lembra muito as narrativas do Stephen King (que a autora deixa claro que é super fã). Eu juro que 75% do livro eu odiei o protagonista, mas aos poucos quando a forma como ele foi criado é apresentada e ele revela o porque os pais dele o ?criaram?, fica claro que durante todo o livro ele estava pela primeira vez aprendendo a... leia mais

Vídeos The Lies we Steal (1)

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Os fãs de DEVIL?S NIGHT vão amar esse livro! | Miriã Mikaely

Os fãs de DEVIL?S NIGHT vão amar esse livro!


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Avaliações 3.6 / 579
ranking 18
ranking 46
ranking 30
ranking 6
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
05/11/2023 11:11:17
editou em:
05/11/2023 11:11:29