Heart of Gold

Heart of Gold P. Jameson


Heart of Gold

A curse that can't be broken...Thomas "Ratchet" Golding used to be a fearsome and powerful werecat. Until he and his wicked clan of Alley Cats messed with the wrong coven of witches. Now a curse has crippled his animal and made him question his entire existence. He knows if he's ever going to break it and heal his cat, he has to learn to love. Easier said than done when he was bred and raised to hate, hurt, and maim. But he's gotten used to finding treasure among the ruins. Whether it be his life or the trash heap the Alley Cats call home, he can spot the gold among the muck. And he's about to find the greatest treasure of all.A life stolen...Marlee Benson has been missing for ten years, and now she's found. But still not free. Taken by a ruthless casino lord to pay off a debt, she's managed to narrowly escape with her life intact. But when she stumbles, broken and bloody, into the lot of a known gang, she's caught by the one called Ratchet. If his brothers find out she's there, she might not survive what comes next. But she doesn't count on him protecting her. Risking his skin for her. He isn't what she expected. And if she can find a way to escape him she might just get her life back.Every redemption begins with a spark...When Ratchet is forced to make a choice between what he wants and what is right, it could cost him everything. His clan, his pride. But most importantly, the trust of the woman who is cleansing his heart with fire. If sacrifice is what the universe wants for his sins, he'll do it to keep his treasure safe. Even if it means losing his heart... just when he's found it.

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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
07/01/2022 13:02:36