Tell me your dreams

Tell me your dreams Sidney Sheldon


Tell me your dreams

Tell Me Your Dreams

Ever heard of Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD? It is a mental condition wherein a person experiences and exhibits different behaviors at varying times without his/her knowledge. The shifting persona of the person who acquires it does things without knowing, and therefore could be harmful and dangerous to others. During the earlier times, many people had claimed that they had been witnesses to the manifestations of MPD from people suffering from it. But since there had been no scientific study to prove that such an ailment exists, it had become a topic for debates. And so MPD wasn’t fully considered in the medical field as real disease.
One person, however, gave interest in his time to discuss about MPD, its effects and consequences to the person having it and to the people around him. In his novel “Tell Me Your Dreams”, Sidney Sheldon successfully recounted the life of a woman who’s suffering from MPD. It is one of the most remarkable novels I have ever read for it was presented in great detail and in a very stimulating way. The unfolding of the whole story excites the readers and gives them the element of surprise that only a great novelist like Sidney Sheldon could achieve. Using MPD as the main topicof the story has become the key to the success of the novel. Here, through the use of the characters and the scenes, he effectively manipulated the revelations little by little, making the story an exciting piece that it is. This book is a great find for every book-lover like me and for everyone who is looking for a worthy novel to read leisurely.
The story began with the main character having awful dreams she couldn’t get over with. She started to become paranoid for she feels that she’s being stalked. Her apartment always looked as if it had been ransacked by an unknown identity. At home, at work and everywhere she goes, she is fearful. She began to get suspicious with the men around her. Another female character is then introduced, a totally different one from the main character who does things quite the opposite from the first and who hates the first. A third character enters the story as well. If the first character is the typical urban woman, the second the liberated and aggressive one, the third would be the coy and submissive simpleton. The story would revolve around these three female characters and as you go on with the story, you’ll get to see how these three are related to each other and how life would change as it gets to be revealed.

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Tell me your dreams
Tell me your dreams
Tell me your dreams


Resenhas para Tell me your dreams (2)

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muito bom
on 21/1/22

Esse foi o primeiro livro que eu li em ingles e foi uma jornada muito facil. A linguagem do livro nao eh dificil e o vocabulario eh muito tranquilo. O enredo eh muito bom e eh o melhor plot twist que ja li. Voce passa o livro inteiro investigando junto com o personagem e o autor nao te deixa descobrir quem eh ate o momento da revelacao, o que torna tudo muito mais incrivel. Recomendo MUITO, principalmente para quem gosta de investigacao/thriller.... leia mais


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15/08/2010 18:24:49