The Silver Waterfall

The Silver Waterfall Kevin Miller


The Silver Waterfall

In the desolate middle of the largest ocean on earth, two great navies met, one bent on conclusive battle, the other lying in ambush.Six months after Pearl Harbor, Yamamoto again crossed the Pacific with the most powerful naval armada the world had ever seen, this time to finish the job. Nimitz waited for him with what he had, placed exactly where he needed it.Striking first meant decisive victory.This is the story of the men who fought the Battle of Midway over three momentous days in June, 1942. Men uncertain, determined, fearful and courageous. Their story is one of daring, of unfathomable loss, of survival inside rickety airplanes and burning ships. What happened off Midway is a story of reckless pride, and cold realization."The Silver Waterfall" is an unforgettable historical fiction account of the battle told by today's master of carrier aviation fiction.If you've wondered what more could be written about the Battle of Midway, here's the answer: Kevin Miller has delivered the perfect amalgam of vivid military history and unforgettable fiction. Through the viewpoints of the combatants on both sides - pilots, gunners, sailors, fleet commanders - The Silver Waterfall evokes the drama and raw terror of the battle that changed the course of the war. Historical fiction at its best.- Robert Gandt, author of Angels in the Sky and The Twilight Warriors.With his meticulously researched historical foundation, Kevin Miller masterfully writes of an environment one can know only through personal experience. He adroitly transports us from the deckplates to the flight deck to the cockpit, while exploring the spectrum of wartime human conditions. The Silver Waterfall is destined to take a rightful place beside Michener's Toko-Ri for Miller's vivid portrayal of the intensity of combat aboard and from aircraft carriers.- RADM Robert Besal, USN (ret.)Captain Kevin Miller follows his three carrier aviation thrillers with an absolutely riveting work of historical fiction. His novel, The Silver Waterfall, brings the Battle of Midway to life in a narrative that puts the reader in the battle with the warriors on both sides. Put this one on your must-read list.- CAPT George Galdorisi, USN (ret.) author of Op Center and The Coronado ConspiracyThe Silver Waterfall brings the Midway story to life like no other book. Masterfully written with the amazing accuracy he's known for, Kevin Miller puts the reader on ships' bridges, in aircraft cockpits, and into the hearts and minds of the brave men who fought the battle. A must read.- Vincent Aiello, host of The Fighter Pilot PodcastA great new take on the most famous and dramatic sea battle of World War II. Captain Kevin Miller tells the story of Midway in the voices of the participants and does a marvelous job of tying all of the actions together. As usual he uses his carrier aviation experience to put you in the cockpits. Fasten your seat belts - it's a great ride.- RADM Paul Tobin, USN (ret.), past Director of Naval HistoryA terrific read for anyone who wants to learn about the greatest naval victory of the United States Navy. Put this on your shelf of must-reads on Midway, right next to Shattered Sword and Pacific Payback. Highly recommended!- ADM Bill Gortney, USN (ret.)Exhaustively researched and beautifully written, The Silver Waterfall reveals the inside story of Midway. Told from the perspective of those who fought it, this seminal battle of American carrier aviation comes vibrantly alive in this heart pounding historical fiction.- Paco Chierici, Bestselling author of Lions of the Sky, and Creator/Producer of the award-wining documentary Speed and AngelsMasterful. Kevin Miller's first foray into historical fiction is an epic read. He delivers a remarkable accounting of the Battle of Midway. Not since Herman Wouk's War and Remembrance has this seminal moment been told with such allure.- Peter Fey, author of Bloody Sixteen

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21/05/2022 13:23:40