A Dream of Embers

A Dream of Embers Jane Washington


A Dream of Embers (A Tempest of Shadows #3)

"I had dreams of the sun dying like hot coal smothered by sand, suffocating in a world where darkness hunted light... but then I woke and saw that it had risen again, and I knew we would be no different.
From this battle to the next, we would endure."

What began as a war of force had turned to one of secrets and strategies. An army was amassing in the shadows, hidden from our eyes, slipping into our ranks until there was nowhere safe to turn, and nobody left to trust.
To win the war, I would be forced to forget the man I trusted, and to bind myself to the men I hated.
Since the first day, the great masters have fought for control over me, fought to claim me in marriage and seize my power for themselves. Every step of the way, they've asked me to choose. They've attempted to deal and swindle the decision out of me, but I've managed to out-manoeuvre them at every turn, bringing me to this moment.
The moment I finally choose.
If they can take my power, I can take theirs, and if marriage is how they want to do it, then so be it.
I'll marry all five of them, and choose myself.

This epic, apocalyptic fantasy is dark, lush and gritty. The heroin has multiple, slow-burn love interests, who all begin as true enemies, so you don't have to choose your favourite anti-hero. This series has some intense and dark themes, and the heroes begin as utterly irredeemable, alpha a-holes, so consider yourselves warned!

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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A Dream of Embers


(4) ver mais
A Tempest of Shadows
A City of Whispers
A Castle of Ash
A World of Lost Words

Resenhas para A Dream of Embers (1)

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on 2/8/22

Estou extasiada com o desenrolar dessa historia! Triste com alguns acontecimentos mas sem folego só de pensar na próxima improbidade que a Ven vai apresentar! Ela vem crescendo tanto! É uma protagonista única, muito divertida e forte. O relacionamento dela com os mestres está cada vez melhor, me fazendo dar gritinhos em cada cena! Esse foi um livro mais voltado a esse relacionamento dela com eles e mal posso esperar para o que o próximo vai trazer!... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 58
ranking 50
ranking 34
ranking 14
ranking 2
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
14/06/2022 17:30:09
editou em:
14/06/2022 17:30:42