The Right Move

The Right Move Liz Tomforde


The Right Move (Windy City #2)


She's a distraction, that's what she is.

I'm the newest Captain of the Devils, Chicago's NBA team, and the last thing I needed this year was for Indy Ivers, my sister's best friend, to move into my apartment. She's messy, emotional, and way too tempting.

But when the team's General Manager vocalizes his blatant disapproval of my promotion to Captain, referring to me as an unapproachable lone wolf with no work-life balance, I can't think of a better way to convince him otherwise than pretending to date my outgoing roommate.

The only problem? Faking it feels far too natural.

Having a fake girlfriend wasn't supposed to be messy but having Indy under my roof and in my bed is complicated, especially when she wants all the romantic parts of life that I could never give her.


I never imagined I'd be living with my best friend's brother, NBA superstar Ryan Shay. Even more unbelievable? He needs me to act as his loving girlfriend who's suddenly changed him into a friendly and approachable guy.

Because, well...he's not. He's controlling of his space and untrusting of others.

Our arrangement isn't one-sided, though. I'm in a wedding coming up, one where every one of my childhood friends, including my ex-boyfriend, will be in attendance, and there's no better date than my ex's celebrity hero.

Blurred lines make it almost impossible to separate real from fake. Falling for my roommate was never part of the deal, especially when Ryan is quick to remind me that he doesn't believe in love.

I'm a romantic and can't help fantasizing that he'll change, but soon enough, I find myself questioning if sharing a roof with my best friend's brother was the right move after all

Esportes / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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The Right Move


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on 24/2/23

Peguei esse pra ler, depois de ver um vídeo no tiktok de uma moça falando sobre expectativas em um relacionamentos. No vídeo, ela falava que pessoas acusam ela de ter expectativas irreais. Pra dar um exemplo das expectativas que tem, ela falou sobre esse livro. Primeiramente, quase fiquei de ressaca depois de ler dois livros de Raphael e Penelope ?. E, acho que isso influenciou na minha leitura. Não achei a escrita fluída. MAS, os personagens e os relacionamentos ??. Falando de princ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 1.151
ranking 55
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ranking 8
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cadastrou em:
28/11/2022 16:45:25
editou em:
29/06/2023 20:32:16