Saving 6

Saving 6 Chloe Walsh


Saving 6 (Boys of Tommen #3)

He's about to meet his match.

When teenagers from the same side of the tracks collide.

The second born son in a broken marriage, Joey Lynch has spent a lifetime picking up the pieces of a family unraveling. When his older brother Darren skips town on his first day of secondary school, twelve year old Joey finds himself thrown into the role of protector to his younger siblings and mother. Plagued by self-loathing, and furious with the world, he grapples with teenage life, his unwavering sense of duty to his family, while balancing precariously close to a life of addiction that threatens to swallow him whole. The only light in his sea of darkness is his boss's firecracker of a daughter who refuses to back down. A girl who just so happens to be his classmate.

Aoife Molloy has never been backwards in coming forward. Her bubbly and self-assured nature has never led her astray. Until her first day of secondary school when she collides with a hotheaded boy who sparks a burning curiosity inside of her that only grows stronger by the day.

Falling into a complicated friendship with her father's apprentice, Aoife works to unravels the secrets around Joey Lynch's life, while he desperately fights to keep her out.

Friendship, devotion, and first love all come together in Saving 6, the first of two books for Aoife and Joey.

Based in Ireland, the Boys of Tommen series is bound to captivate and lure you into the world of rugby, hurling, love, and teenage heartbreak.

* Warning *

Some scenes in this book may be extremely upsetting for some readers. Due to its bad language, mature themes, and potentially triggering scenes, Saving 6 is recommended for mature readers.


Edições (3)

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Saving 6
Saving 6
Saving 6


(4) ver mais
Binding 13
Keeping 13
Redeeming 6
Taming 7

Resenhas para Saving 6 (117)

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It could be better
on 6/3/23

Eu amo esse casal, juntos e individualmente. a aoife é simplesmente a minha favorita do grupinho e o joe? what a man! a química entre eles, a amizade, as farpas, o início do romance. TUDO. ?quando estou com você sinto que estou morrendo. mas quando estou sem você parece que já estou morta?. eles merecem o final mais feliz do mundo! o livro só não foi melhor porque? mais de 700 páginas pra 6 anos, e é algo que eu não gosto mt quando tem, porque ficam muitas cenas largadas. eu lia uma e ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
05/02/2023 10:39:22
editou em:
07/02/2023 22:06:19