Under the Stars

Under the Stars Laura Pavlov


Under the Stars (Cottonwood Cove #2)

A Small Town, Grumpy/Sunshine, Billionaire Romance

My new assistant is all smiles and sunshine—and she’s about to set fire to my cold, grumpy heart.

I've moved to this god-forsaken small town to run the family business.
I need to hire a new PA and the pickings are slim.
Some say my irrational expectations are the reason I've gone through assistants quicker than most people refill their coffee.
Incompetence is my pet peeve.
If that makes me irrational, so be it.
Then Georgia Reynolds walks into my office.
Blonde hair.
Sapphire eyes.
And a smart mouth that irritates me as much as it turns me on.
On top of being a rockstar at her job, she is a ray of freaking sunshine on steroids.
I have no patience for it.
Nor for the way she flutters around the office like a modern-day Tinkerbell.
She has ridiculous taste in music.
Drives an unreasonable form of transportation.
And did I mention that I caught her dancing in my closet when I sent her on a simple errand?
My new assistant has somehow become my kryptonite.
But I am her boss, and I am not going to be a pathetic cliché.
It doesn’t matter that my cold, jaded heart has started beating again.
In my world, a beating heart makes you weak.
And I do not tolerate weaknesses.

**This is book 2 in the Cottonwood Cove Series. Each one can be read as a complete standalone. A HEA is guaranteed!**


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Under the Stars


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Uns fofos!
on 10/2/24

Que livro mais fofo! Foi um office romance gostinho de ler. Os protagonistas são bem opostos um do outro, um grumpy/sunshine bonito. Esse é o segundo livro que leio dessa autora e me encanta o fato dela escrever protagonistas tão maduras. A Geórgia é simplesmente MARAVILHOSA, ela é uma amor de pessoa, comunicativa, gentil, as vezes bem sarcástica, sorridente, o tipo de pessoa que é a "vida da festa" além de ter uma inteligência emocional impecável. O Maddox também foi um ótimo personag... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
19/05/2023 17:25:24
editou em:
19/05/2023 17:25:45