The Reappearance of Rachel Price

The Reappearance of Rachel Price Holly Jackson


The Reappearance of Rachel Price

From the author of the multimillion-copy bestselling A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series and Five Survive comes a new true-crime fueled mystery thriller about a girl determined to uncover the shocking truth about her mother’s disappearance while filming a documentary on the unsolved case.

Lights. Camera. Lies.

18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom’s mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness, but she has no memory of it. Rachel is gone, long presumed dead, and Bel wishes everyone would just move on.

But the case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can’t wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. And then the impossible happens. Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again.

Rachel has an unbelievable story about what happened to her. Unbelievable, because Bel isn’t sure it’s real. If Rachel is lying, then where has she been all this time? And – could she be dangerous? With the cameras still rolling, Bel must uncover the truth about her mother, and find out why Rachel Price really came back from the dead . . .

From world-renowned author Holly Jackson comes a mind-blowing masterpiece about one girl’s search for the truth, and the terror in finding out who your family really is.

Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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The Reappearance of Rachel Price
The Reappearance of Rachel Price


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Ela volta como uma fênix avise!
on 29/3/24

Sou obcecada pelos livros de suspense/mistério da Holly Jackson. Com personagens interessantes e uma trama instigante, ela será para sempre uma das minhas autoras favoritas. The Reappearance of Rachel Price foi uma das minhas leituras mais esperadas de 2024, e é por isso que, quando fui aprovada para ler esse livro antes dele sair oficialmente, eu gritei no meio da estação do metrô. E deixa eu dizer que ele NÃO me decepcionou. Esse livro me manteve curiosa o tempo todo - por isso o te... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 77
ranking 48
ranking 39
ranking 12
ranking 1
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cadastrou em:
24/08/2023 21:00:42
editou em:
24/08/2023 21:01:04