Wild Love

Wild Love Elsie SIlver


Wild Love (Rose Hill #1)

Rosie Belmont has been driving me wild for years. The good kind of wild. The bad kind of wild. But mostly the kind of wild that comes with wanting your best friend’s little sister and knowing you can’t have her.

After living in the city, she comes blasting back into Rose Hill like a storm. Beautiful, messy, and chaotic.

And one wide-eyed desperate plea for a job is all it takes for me to hire her.

Forbes may have labeled me the World’s Hottest Billionaire but all I care about is opening my new recording studio. Something that comes to a screeching halt when I end up face-to-face with a young girl who claims I’m her biological father.

Now I spend my days balancing business with parenting a sullen twelve-year-old all while trying desperately to keep my hands the hell off my best friend’s little sister.

I vow to keep Rosie at arm’s length. I try to stick to scowls and grumpy one-liners. But with her verbal sparring is merely foreplay—friction that turns to blistering heat.

I know damn well I shouldn’t cross that line.

But shouldn’t and can’t are two very different things.

And the only thing I truly can’t do is resist her.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (2)

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Wild Love
Wild Love


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Something Wilder
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Swift and Saddled
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Resenhas para Wild Love (9)

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Wild Love
on 11/4/24

Wild Love é o primeiro livro da série Rose Hill e conta a história do Ford e da Rosie. Ford é um bilionário lindo que está começando uma nova etapa da vida e acaba tendo uma surpresa batendo na porta dele. Rosie é a irmã mais nova do melhor amigo do Ford e a garota muito inteligente que foi embora da cidade pequena, mas por conta de alguns problemas acaba voltando. Ford e Rosie me cativaram. A amizade, a química e o amor entre eles é especial. Uma história de amor linda e com um fin... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 101
ranking 36
ranking 46
ranking 18
ranking 1
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
19/11/2023 21:21:09
editou em:
10/04/2024 17:40:42