Succubus Nights

Succubus Nights Richelle Mead


Succubus Nights

Georgina Kincaid, Book 2

Georgina Kincaid’s job sucks. Literally.

Love hurts, and no one knows it better than Georgina Kincaid. If she so much as kisses her new boyfriend, she’ll drain his life force. Georgina is a succubus—a demon who draws her power from men’s pleasure. Admittedly, the shape-shifting and immortality perks are terrific, and yes, Georgina did choose to join the ranks of hell centuries ago. But it seems completely unfair that she can’t get hot and heavy with the one mortal who knows and accepts her for who she is.

It’s not just her personal life that’s in chaos. Doug, Georgina’s co-worker at a local bookstore, has been exhibiting bizarre behaviour, and Georgina suspects that something far more demonic than double espressos is at work. She could use help finding out. However Bastien, an irresistibly charming incubus and her best immortal friend, is preoccupied in the suburbs with corrupting an ultra-conservative talk radio star – and giving Georgina some highly distracting come-hither vibes. Georgina is going to have to work solo on this one – and fast, because soon, Doug’s life won’t be the only one on the line…

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Resenhas para Succubus Nights (8)

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on 15/11/10

o livro é totalmente erótico,maluco e completamente diferente de vampire academy.não quero dizer que é ruim mas sim diferente. embora ainda prefira com certeza o que fica implicito das tramas de VA,a doce adolescencia de rose,não posso negar que georgina é um personagem interessante. esse livro nao foi melhor que o primeiro mas com certeza foi interessante.só fiquei um pouco decepicionada por que esperava que roman aparecesse na trama. penso porem que isso logo vai acontecer em algum ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.3 / 583
ranking 55
ranking 28
ranking 13
ranking 3
ranking 1



Thalyta Bonfim
cadastrou em:
05/10/2011 02:40:08