Code Name Cassandra

Code Name Cassandra Meg Cabot


Code Name Cassandra

1-800-WHERE-R-YOU #2

When Lightning Strikes (Pocket Pulse, 2001), an accident endowed Jess with the psychic ability to find missing people. After the Feds, the press, and desperate parents of missing children made her life miserable, the teen decided to pretend that her powers were gone. In this sequel, Jess is trying to go back to a normal life. She gets a summer job at a camp for musically gifted children and tries to wrestle with the woes of unwanted press and unruly campers. One boy, Shane, quickly rises as the camp bully and torments his fellow campers. As if that and a cabinful of young boys aren't enough to keep her busy, she is surprised by a visit from a man who begs her to find his missing daughter. She can't say no to him and her life quickly becomes complicated again as she tries to save the girl, dodge the Feds, seduce her sort-of boyfriend, and manage her job. Carroll (aka Meg Cabot of The Princess Diaries [HarperCollins, 2000]) tells the story in the irreverent and slang-peppered language of today's teenagers. With her detention-clouded past and her ambitionless future, the protagonist is no role model, but she is a character that young people will believe and enjoy. The story moves fast and is full of suspense, action, and teen intrigue. Readers who enjoyed the first book will not be disappointed, and newcomers will not be left far behind.

Fantasia / Infantojuvenil

Edições (5)

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Code Name Cassandra
Code Name Cassandra
Code Name Cassandra


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When Lightning Strikes
Safe House
Missing You

Resenhas para Code Name Cassandra (4)

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toda a serie 1-800 onde está voce é otima!
on 3/11/10

li todos os livros dessa série e posso dizer que meg cabot é demais mesmo!a história trata-se de uma adolescente que num dia de temporal é atingida por um raio e a partir daí desenvolve o poder de localizar pessoas através dos sonhos.o numero 1-800 é onde ela faz ligações anonimas avisando onde a policia(na verdade uma central de crianças desaparecidas)onde pode encontrar essas essas crianç entanto é claro que isso acaba trazendo muitas confusões... essa é uma das minhas series f... leia mais


Avaliações 4.3 / 726
ranking 50
ranking 30
ranking 18
ranking 2
ranking 1



Vivi Barini
cadastrou em:
01/07/2010 04:11:43