Alvorada Lunar

Alvorada Lunar Ben Bova


Alvorada Lunar (Colecção Nébula #74)


ALVORADA LUNAR [Moonrise / 1996. Moonbase Saga #1] Ben Bova retrata a epopeia da primeira colónia humana que se instala na Lua. Paul Stavanger, um astronauta brilhante, visionário e já com uma longa experiência aproveita o facto de comandar a Masterson Aerospace para colonizar a última fronteira, criando uma comunidade viável, próspera, quase auto-suficiente na Base Lunar (Moonbase). A maturidade e determinação do seu filho Douglas para continuar o seu trabalho trazem-no à Base Lunar, mas a crise instalada apenas pode ser solucionada com o seu triunfo ou a sua destruição. Severa, perigosa e estranhamente bela, a Lua serve não só de cenário à história destas personagens, mas é também ela uma presença viva condicionando, ela própria, a glória e/ou o infortúnio das personagens e um novo futuro da Humanidade.

Moonrise (The Grand Tour, #5) by Ben Bova -- In the 21st century, the world is on the brink of a scientific renaissance, about to birth a future where space has become privatized and the moon transforms into a fertile commercial ground. As former astronaut Paul Stavenger works to turn a handful of abandoned government moon shelters into a full-fledged moonbase, powerful corporate lobbies align against him. Against the neo-Luddites is Masterson Aerospace, a company funding and creating major scientific breakthroughs.

But Masterson is nearly crippled when its CEO commits suicide and his wife, Joanna, backs her lover Paul Stavenger, the former astronaut, over her mentally unbalanced son Greg in the board election that follows her husband's death. So begins a power struggle that leads to murder and the ultimate conflict over Moonbase.
|...| A twenty-first-century US aerospace company has developed the first permanent human settlement on the moon. The settlement is made possible by major scientific breakthroughs, particularly in the practical use of nanotechnology--microscopic machines that can build structures on the moon using raw lunar materials, as well as correct damage done to the human body by illness and injury.

But conflict within the company's founding family and growing protests against the technology from radical environmentalists and religious fundamentalists on Earth put Moonbase in danger of closure. Former astronaut and brilliant visionary Paul Stavenger must prevent the project from falling into the wrong hands as a power struggle leads to murder and the near destruction of Moonbase.

Aventura / Drama / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério / Distopia

Edições (1)

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Alvorada Lunar


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cadastrou em:
19/06/2016 23:55:12
editou em:
21/06/2016 02:29:03