The Jane Austen Project

The Jane Austen Project Kathleen A. Flynn


The Jane Austen Project

London, 1815: Two travelers—Rachel Katzman and Liam Finucane—arrive in a field in rural England, disheveled and weighed down with hidden money. Turned away at a nearby inn, they are forced to travel by coach all night to London. They are not what they seem, but rather colleagues who have come back in time from a technologically advanced future, posing as wealthy West Indies planters—a doctor and his spinster sister. While Rachel and Liam aren’t the first team from the future to “go back,” their mission is by far the most audacious: meet, befriend, and steal from Jane Austen herself.

Carefully selected and rigorously trained by The Royal Institute for Special Topics in Physics, disaster-relief doctor Rachel and actor-turned-scholar Liam have little in common besides the extraordinary circumstances they find themselves in. Circumstances that call for Rachel to stifle her independent nature and let Liam take the lead as they infiltrate Austen’s circle via her favorite brother, Henry.

But diagnosing Jane’s fatal illness and obtaining an unpublished novel hinted at in her letters pose enough of a challenge without the continuous convolutions of living a lie. While her friendship with Jane deepens and her relationship with Liam grows complicated, Rachel fights to reconcile the woman she is with the proper lady nineteenth-century society expects her to be. As their portal to the future prepares to close, Rachel and Liam struggle with their directive to leave history intact and exactly as they found it…however heartbreaking that may prove.

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The Jane Austen Project


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Uma ideia interessante para ser lida sem altas expectativas
on 21/7/18

Esse é o livro mais difícil de avaliar de todos que já li. Os dois primeiros terços dele valem quatro estrelas, mesmo com alguns defeitos que são presentes em todo o livro. Mas o último terço é bem ruim, talvez não mereça nem duas estrelas. O último capítulo, aliás, foi especialmente péssimo, e a única razão que consigo pensar para isso foi a autora já ter perdido a inspiração para essa história no meio do caminho. Honestamente, ainda acho que é um livro interessante para alguém que... leia mais


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28/03/2017 20:56:26