Things I Don

Things I Don't Want to Know Deborah Levy


Things I Don't Want to Know

On Writing

Blending personal history, gender politics, philosophy, and literary theory into a luminescent treatise on writing, love, and loss, Things I Don't Want to Know is Deborah Levy's witty response to George Orwell's influential essay “Why I Write.” Orwell identified four reasons he was driven to hammer at his typewriter-political purpose, historical impulse, sheer egoism, and aesthetic enthusiasm-and Levy's newest work riffs on these same commitments from a female writer's perspective.

As she struggles to balance womanhood, motherhood, and her writing career, Levy identifies some of the real-life experiences that have shaped her novels, including her family's emigration from South Africa in the era of apartheid; her teenage years in the UK where she played at being a writer in the company of builders and bus drivers in cheap diners; and her theater-writing days touring Poland in the midst of Eastern Europe's economic crisis, where she observed how a soldier tenderly kissed the women in his life goodbye.

Spanning continents (Africa and Europe) and decades (we meet the author at seven, fifteen, and fifty), Things I Don't Want to Know brings the reader into a writer's heart

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (3)

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Coisas que não quero saber
Coisas que não quero saber
Things I Don


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Resenhas para Things I Don't Want to Know (13)

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?A Magistral Estranheza das Memórias de Deborah?
on 21/3/24

?Quando a felicidade acontece, parece que nada aconteceu antes dela, é uma sensação que só se dá no tempo presente.? ??Coisas Que Não Quero Saber? é o primeiro livro da trilogia autobiográfica de Deborah Levy. Na Grã-Bretanha, o livro foi lançado com o subtítulo ?Uma resposta ao ensaio de George Orwell de 1946, 'Por que escrevo'?. ? A autora argumenta que ?[...] Estaremos nos iludindo se afirmarmos saber por que escrevemos, por que memórias específicas vêm nos assom... leia mais


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22/08/2017 12:32:57