Gym or Chocolate?

Gym or Chocolate? Jane Harvey-Berrick...


Gym or Chocolate?

"The laugh-out-loud feel-good story you've been waiting for!"

Career girl and radio host hotshot Cady Callahan has never met a chocolate she didn’t love. She has curves and doesn’t care.
She’s shocked when a raffle ticket bought to support a veterans charity means she’s won a year’s membership to Body Tech, an exclusive Manhattan gym, where all the top athletes train and all the A-list actors go to get in shape for their action roles. She’s also won a personal trainer in the shape of far too tantalizing Rick Roberts.

Rick is less impressed when Cady’s arrival leads to a media circus. The retired British rugby ace runs a serious training facility, and he definitely doesn’t have time for anyone who doesn’t want to work hard.

When curvy Cady challenges him to train her to run a marathon by the end of the year, it seems a solution to both their problems. If … when she drops out of training, his gym will go back to normal.

But Cady isn’t planning on losing the bet—she just wasn’t counting on any complications. And surly Rick is very complicated. And as tempting as the tastiest treat...

Humor, Comédia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Gym or Chocolate?


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on 29/9/19

Sou apaixonada pela escrita de Jane Harvey- Berrick e tenho gostado muito da parceria com Stuart Reardon mas juro que não imaginei o quanto iria rir durante a leitura de Gym or Chocolate?. Que aliás deveria se chamar Gym or Donuts? devido ao grande amor de Cady por este doce. Mas vou começar esta resenha corretamente... Cady é uma mulher bem resolvida e que está muito bem - obrigada em sua profissão de radialista. Ela sempre lutou contra a balança mas de uns tempos pra cá parou... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
29/09/2019 11:05:07