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507 Movimentos Mecânicos

507 Movimentos Mecânicos
Mecanismos e DispositivosHenry T. Brown
Ano:2019 / Páginas:176
9788521218494 | Blucher | 10 leitores

507 Mechanical Movements: Mechanisms and Devices

9780486443607 | Dover Publications |

A Origem da Bíblia

A Origem da Bíblia
Editado por Philip Wesley ComfortPhilip Wesley Comfort, F. F. Bruce, Carl F. H. Henry, J. I. Packer, R. K. Harrison, ........................
Ano:2000 / Páginas:436
9788526301713 | CPAD | 116 leitores

Once Upon A Slave

Once Upon A Slave
28 Powerful Memoirs Of Former Slaves & 100+ Recorded Testimonies in One Edition: With Hundreds of Documented Testimonies & True Life ... of Sojourner Truth...Frederick Douglass, Solomon Northup, Willie Lynch, Nat Turner, Sojourner Truth, ......................................................................................................
Ano:2017 / Páginas:5931
9788027225507 | Musaicum Books | 6 leitores

Slavery: Not Forgiven, Never Forgotten  The Most Powerful Slave Narratives, Historical Documents & Influential Novels: The Underground Railroad, Memoirs ... Amendments and much more (English Edition)


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