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Na Órbita de Aldebarã

Bruguera Editorial, (RJ) | 18 leitores

Nebula Winners Fourteen

Nebula Winners Fourteen
Edited by Frederik PohlFrederik Pohl (Editor), Isaac Asimov, L. Sprague de Camp, Gene Wolfe, Edward Bryant, ...............
Ano:1980 / Páginas:259
0060133821 | Harpercollins |


Edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg & Charles G. WaughIsaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg, Charles Waugh, Robert E. Howard, Jack Vance, ........................
Ano:1983 / Páginas:303
9780451125422 | Ace Books / Mass Market Paperback |

The Ultimate Dinosaur

The Ultimate Dinosaur
Byron Preiss and Robert Silverberg (Editors)Poul Anderson, Robert Silverberg, Ray Bradbury, L. Sprague de Camp, Harry Turtledove, ....................................
Ano:1993 / Páginas:336
9780553373042 | Bantam Books |

The Fantastic Universe Omnibus

The Fantastic Universe Omnibus
19 Exciting Stories Of Extraterrestrial AdventureHans Stefan Santesson, A. Bertram Chandler, Arthur C. Clarke, Avram Davidson, David C. Knight, ..............................
Ano:1968 / Páginas:254
Paperback Library | 3 leitores

Backdrop of Stars

Backdrop of Stars
Harry Harrison, Brian W. Aldiss, Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, J. G. Ballard, ..............................
Ano:1975 / Páginas:204
0450022692 | New English Library | 3 leitores

Beachheads in Space

Beachheads in Space
Stories on a Theme in Science FictionAugust Derleth, David H. Keller, Jack Williamson, Clifford D. Simak, Lester del Rey, ...........................
Ano:1952 / Páginas:332
9000000000070 | Pellegrini & Cudahy | 2 leitores

The Outer Reaches

The Outer Reaches
Favorite Science-Fiction Tales Chosen by Their AuthorsAugust Derleth, Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Nelson S. Bond, Ray Bradbury, ................................................
Ano:1951 / Páginas:350
9000000000087 | Pellegrini & Cudahy | 1 leitores

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