6 encontrados | exibindo 1 a 6

Green Suns and Faërie

Green Suns and Faërie
Essays on TolkienVerlyn Flieger
Ano:2012 / Páginas:331
9781606350942 | Kent State University Press | 1 leitores

There Would Always Be a Fairy Tale

There Would Always Be a Fairy Tale
Essays on Tolkien’s Middle-earthVerlyn Flieger
Ano:2017 / Páginas:280
9781606353080 | Kent State University Press | 1 leitores

Splintered Light

Splintered Light
Logos and Language in Tolkien's WorldVerlyn Flieger
Ano:2002 / Páginas:208
9780873387446 | Kent State University Press |

Interrupted Music

Interrupted Music
The Making of Tolkien's MythologyVerlyn Flieger
Ano:2005 / Páginas:172
9780873388245 | Kent State University Press | 1 leitores

The Story of Kullervo

9780008131364 | HarperCollins | 78 leitores

6 encontrados | exibindo 1 a 6