9 encontrados | exibindo 1 a 9

The Complete Film Production Handbook

024081150X | Focal Press | 2 leitores

Blender for Animation and Film-Based Production (English Edition)

9781482204759 | A K Peters/CRC Press | 1 leitores

A primer for filmmaking

A primer for filmmaking
A complete guide to 16 and 35mm film productionKenneth H. Roberts, Win Sharples Jr.
Ano:1971 / Páginas:526
Pegasus | 2 leitores

American Cinematographer - January 2006

American Cinematographer - January 2006 (Vol. 87)
The International Journal of Film & Digital Production Techniquesnão informado
Ano:2006 / Páginas:112
ASC Holding Corp. | 1 leitores

The Complete Guide to Film and Digital Production

9781315294872 | Taylor & Francis |

Pretty Pictures

Pretty Pictures
: Production Design and the History FilmC. S. Tashiro
Ano:1998 / Páginas:252
9780292781504 | University of Texas Press |

9 encontrados | exibindo 1 a 9

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