A Ameaça da Terra

A Ameaça da Terra Robert A. Heinlein

PDF - A Ameaça da Terra

"The Menace from Earth", 1957 (Future History or "Heinlein Timeline" Series) '-' Oito contos futurísticos de Heinlein (publicados entre 1941 e 1957): os habitantes da Terra viajam aos territórios hostis e dimensões alienígenas do espaço-tempo infinito do universo contínuo...

"(...) From cavernous cities beneath the surface of the moon... Earth seems a sinister planet hanging in the sky. But to the Pluto colony, Earth Satellite Base holds the only possible reprieve from a terrifying death sentence. And on Earth itself, alien intelligence prowls the skies, kidnapping people for its own inhuman amusement. This is the day past tomorrow. Time has ended and man has begun his endless journey out into the Universe. Startling stories of time and space from a master of science fiction"..."

"'The Menace from Earth opens with a gorgeous young woman disrobing in full view of passers-by on a Los Angeles street. As Robert Heinlein's own Future History continues to unfold, the reader is transported to the moon, to Jupiter, Pluto and the stars beyond. The New York Times calls Heinlein "the undisputed dean of science fiction writers"!"

· The Year of the Jackpot · in Galaxy Magazine. Mar ’52
· By His Bootstraps [as by Anson MacDonald] · in Astounding SF Magazine. Oct ’41
· Columbus Was a Dope · ss Startling Stories May ’47
· The Menace from Earth · nv F&SF Aug ’57
· Sky Lift · ss Imagination Nov ’53
· Goldfish Bowl [as by Anson MacDonald] · nv Astounding Mar ’42
· Project Nightmare · nv Amazing Apr/May ’53
· Water Is for Washing · ss Argosy Nov ’47.

A Ameaça da Terra

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Não é à atoa que contos de Heinlein sejam premiados

O livro A Ameaça da Terra é uma Coletânea com 8 contos de Robert A. Heinlein publicados entre 1941 e 1957, a coletânea traz contos de ficção científica e ficção especulativa com o intuito de afastar os leitores do cotidiano nos proporcionando um vislumbre maravilhoso de prováveis futuros e universos alternativos. Robert A. Heinlein escreve maravilhosamente bem histórias de ficção científica e consegue nos fazer pensar, por horas a fio, sobre suas narrativas de futuros possíveis que e...
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