Confessions of a Bad Boy Fighter (Bad Boy Confessions Book 3) (English Edition)

Confessions of a Bad Boy Fighter (Bad Boy Confessions Book 3) (English Edition) Cathryn Fox


Shes a good girl from the right side of the tracks. Im anything but. Which means I should keep my goddamn eyes and my hand to myself. But the thing is, Im a fighter. My hands are my life, and sometimes they have a mind of their ownand most times they take without permission. When she agrees to a drink after my fight I take the mayors daughter to a nice restaurant. Only problem is she keeps licking her lips and that Sh$% is turning me on. I order her to the bathroom with plans to follow her in. If she knew what was good for her, shed walk away and not give me a chance to corrupt the good girl. Then again, they dont call me Fighter Bad Boy, because Imyou knowgood.

Confessions of a Bad Boy Fighter (Bad Boy Confessions Book 3) (English Edition)

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