O Holocausto, Pio XII e os Aliados

O Holocausto, Pio XII e os Aliados Joaquim Blessmann


Refutes accusations against Pius XII made in Rolf Hochhuth's play "Der Stellvertreter" (1963) and in John Cornwell's "Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII" (1999). States that Pius XII did not speak out against Hitler because he was concerned about violent reactions of Nazis toward Christians. Asserts that the Allies also did not publicly condemn the ongoing massacres because they did not completely credit the information they received and because they were concerned about the fate of Allied prisoners who had fallen into the hands of the Nazis. Mentions that the Vatican archives hold telegrams from exiled governments asking the Pope not to make public declarations against the Nazis, because more violent persecution would probably follow every criticism. On the other hand, Pius XII did instruct Catholic institutions in several countries to hide persecuted Jews. Concludes that Pius XII's actions were correct in the given situation, and that the Church under his direction saved more Jews than all of the Allied institutions, governmental and non-governmental, together.

O Holocausto, Pio XII e os Aliados

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