Otter Três Dois Chamando

Otter Três Dois Chamando Leif Hamre

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Otter Three Two Calling (1960) by Leif Hamre -- Essa dramática história escrita pelo Tenente-Coronel Leif Hamre da Real Força Aérea Norueguesa venceu o Prêmio Nacional Norueguês pelo melhor livro juvenil do ano...

[Amazon Customer Reviews] "Tremendous adventure in the snow" by John Mogridge on 6 Oct. 2008: "No wonder this book won a prize. It can still grip this reader after many years when it has merely lived in my memory. Two men of the Royal Norwegian Air Force make a forced parachute landing in the north of Norway. They face a struggle for survival in the bitter winter as they wait for rescue.That bald outline conceals the tremendous drive of the story which, though understated in its approach, has you living alongside Peter and Geir as the conditions nag away at their will to live. This feels like a desert island story but it is set in the isolation of the Frozen North and there is certainly no pleasure in the climate. Skill,determination,comradeship,teamwork all play their part in this tremendous adventure. "Mayday,Mayday,Mayday ! Otter three two calling.Engine playing us up - reason unknown. We are flying at nine thousand feet,above thick cloud,and losing height.Preparing to jump." Read the book and jump with them and see how they struggle for life'.'

Otter Três Dois Chamando

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