Sinal Geral de Perigo

Sinal Geral de Perigo Jeff Sutton

PDF - Sinal Geral de Perigo

'Whisper From the Stars" by Jeff Sutton. Dell Publishing Co., Inc. Paperback. First Edition – 1970. '-' He wrenched open the door to strange, multiple worlds. . . "Nights are the worst. Those cloudless nights when a thousand eyes look down, mocking me. Because I know that Man, in some form other than my own, quietly has taken over the universe. I know because I've lived and died and lived again. Worse yet is when the whisper comes. It comes from beyond the blaze of lights, from beyond the gulf of darkness which separates the burning suns. 'We are here,' the whisper says. 'We are here"."

[Reviews] ...a society which criminalized paranormal abilities. The point of view is not from one of the supermen, but from a reporter (using the mind to transcend the physical body thereby changing time and altering historical events) who can remember events even after the timestream has been altered, a frustrating gift. There is much speculation here concerning the nature of man and what form any advancement would take; in other words...

Sinal Geral de Perigo

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