Until You

Until You Judith McNaught

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New York Times bestselling author Judith McNaught sweeps readers from the wilds of America to elegant 1820s London in this unforgettable romantic adventure.
A teacher in a school for wealthy young ladies, Sheridan, Bromleigh is hired to accompany one of her students, heiress Charise Lancaster, to England to meet her fiancé. When her charge elopes with a stranger, Sheridan wonders how she will ever explain it to Charise's intended, Lord Burleton.
Standing on the pier, Stephen Westmoreland, the Earl of Langford, assumes the young woman coming toward him is Charise Lancaster -- and informs her of his inadvertent role in a fatal accident involving Lord Burleton the night before. And just as Sheridan is about to speak, she steps into the path of a cargo net loaded with crates!
Sheridan awakens in Westmoreland's mansion with no memory of who she is; the only hint of her past is the puzzling fact that everyone calls her Miss Lancaster. All she truly knows is that she is falling in love with a handsome English earl, and that the life unfolding before her seems full of wondrous possibilities...

Until You

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Mais uma maravilhosa história da tia Judith que em vários momentos me levou ao píncaro da emoção. Só tenho pena que a autora não tenha deixado alguns temas melhor encerrados e que o Stephen tenha terminado o livro sem dizer as 3 palavrinhas mágicas (Eu te Amo). Ele disse de outras formas, eu sei, mas senti falta. ---- Depois de ter escrito isso aí em cima eu andei checando o original e descobri que a tradução da expressão "until you" (que dá o título ao livro) foi tão negligenciada a...
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