A Perfect Day for Bananafish

A Perfect Day for Bananafish J. D. Salinger

Resenhas - A Perfect Day for Bananafish

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melmelmelmel 03/01/2024

"This is a perfect day for banana fish"
This little story inspired one of my favourite mangas of all time: Banana Fish, and I can see why the author used this as her inspiration. More than these 10 pages, this is a feeling for all life.

The protagonist, Seymour, has been dealing with a lot of traumatic events, he loses all his essence in war, and now he's just an empty shell. He's trying to reconquest a small part of his innocence but no one understands and support him, his mother-in-law just see's him as something to get rid of and his wife doesn't know how to help. The first type of reconnection that he gets with someone is with a little girl called Sybil, she has this young spirit, this pure soul that he wants to be.

He tells her about bananafish, how they are small normal fishes that enter in holes and eat a lot of bananas, get fat and die... We can see that this little story is very similar to soldiers life, how they were happy and innocent before going to war, how they lose all of these and have no option but to die, their last innocent act.

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