Pieces of a Life

Pieces of a Life Jewel E. Ann

Resenhas - Pieces of a Life

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Jessica1248 11/09/2022

No matter what girl lays claim to me,I'm still yours.?????
I'll let things cool out a little to write a proper review.

You need to read this book! ?

? second chance
? childhood sweethearts
? angsty
? page turner
? exciting banter
? mysteries to solve


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*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review*


"I don?t think it?s physically possible for me to walk this earth without gravitating toward you.?

?You don?t own me.?

I rested my hands on her ass.
?Not all of you.? My lips found her neck, and I kissed my way to her bare shoulder. ?Just the best of you.?

?You deserve to be chased. Pursued. I fell in love with the girl I knew I could never contain. Let me chase you forever because I love that moment when you look back at me and grin. That moment when I know you love knowing that I always have your back.?

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