The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf

The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf Molly Harper

Resenhas - The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf

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troubldrean 22/12/2022

Diferente dos livros shifter , onde o cara é um macho alfa e persegue a heroína para ser sua companheira?

Aqui é tudo diferente, a heroína é um lobo e alfa de uma alcatéia . Enquanto o herói é um jornalista investigativo a procurar de lobos selvagens.

Há muito desenvolvimento ao longo da leitura, briga entre os personagens e uma corrente de risos ?

VerineMo 01/06/2022

É uma boa sequência, divertida, focou mais na vida dos lobos, o romance me agradou. Mas ainda prefiro o primeiro livro kkk

Kah 15/06/2012

Maggie Graham lives with her family in a very isolated and peculiar comunity in Alaska. What's so special about them? They are werewolves.

She became the pack leader when her brother turned down the job. She's very good at it, being strong, fierce. She takes her duty as Alpha (pack leader) very seriously and always makes sure everyone is OK and everything is running smoothly. Her relationship with her family and friends is one of trust, animosity and closeness. She's never been a "girly" kind of girl and usually makes fun of her mother and sister-in-law for trying to tame her. Maggie is being pressured into marrying a were to try and keep the genes of her family going, but all of her suitors are really not worth it. They are either too weak or just want to become alpha and take over her. None of them like her for real.

Everything changes when Dr. Nick, PhDs (yup, he has two), a very hot foklore professor, comes to town convinced that werewolves exist and he will be the one to prove it to the world.

Maggie gets imediately attracted to him, but when she finds out who he is, she tries to make sure everybody knows how much she automaticaly hates him. No matter how hard she tries, Maggie just keeps getting more and more into Nick until they have a truck accident and she realizes how dangerous it is to be around him, not for her safety, but because she can barely control her primal instincts when he's around..

Even though Nick eventually finds out that they are real werewolves, he's willing to keep it to himselp so he can win Maggie over, now that he's fallen in love with her. But, since Nick's only human, she needs to think about the pack and how much they need to find other werewolves to mate, otherwise the pack will become smaller and smaller and eventually die out. Of course, she could just have a little bit of fun with him, but unfortunatelly, werewolves mate for life, so she had to be very careful of who she'd choose to have babies with, since Nick wouldn't be able to make her bear werechildren.

Decided to get over Nick, Maggie starts going out with Clay, a werewolf from another pack, who came to town with his sister Alice and her two young children to take care of their grandmother Billie, who's got dementia. Maggie had blamed herself for the accident on the old truck, but as she has her office burned down and was then attacked by another werewolf on the mountains (only to be saved by Nick), she realizes that someone has been trying very hard to either to kill or frighten her.

The book ends with a (not very) surprising revelation about who's behind those attacks, and Clay and Alice's true identities. And, of course, Maggie finally admits she can't live without Nick and agrees to marry him in the most traditional way, despite all her previous efforts against it.

The book was a very light, since the author writes in a easy and captivating way. You imediately feel sympathy for the main character, Maggie, who's funny and unconventional. The way the author describes the community gives you such a homey feeling that makes you wish it were real and that you could meet them. Also, the way Maggie describes to feel when she's in wolf form makes it sound SO fun and liberating! The whole book is filled with great quotes, that surprise you with how clever and fun they are. Nick was so cute! *-* I wanted a viking look-alike like him for myself. ;) Samson, Maggie's cousin sounded really great, too!

This book is a sequel of "How to flirt with a naked werewolf", which I loved! (Mo and Cooper made for such a nice story) and hopefully there'll be a third one, because Molly's writing and imaginative storytelling sure makes us wanting more!

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