
Obsidian Jennifer L. Armentrout

Resenhas - Obsidian

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Kah 29/11/2011


This is the second book I've read by Miss Armentrout so far. The first was Daimon, a short novella that is a sequel to the first book in another series, Half-Blood. (which I can't wait to get my hands on! *-*). I LOVED it, so I was really excited about Obsidian.

Well, it was pretty awesome! I just wanted to sit down and take it all in just one sitting. Too bad I only had the time to savor it bit by bit... LOL. Maybe it was better like that?

Katy was the new girl in a small town. After her father passed away, her mother decided they should move from Florida to West "By God" Virginia (LOL). There she met her neighbors, the very attractive twins Dee and Daemon. Dee and Kat quickly became friends, but Daemon... turned out to be a very difficult person, to say the least. Katy constantly felt the urge to strangle him. And I have to admit that I did too. :p But it's okay, because the chemistry between them was strong enough to make up for his rude/annoying remarks.

Every time his hand brushed her, she felt a hum of energy. Strange things suddenly happened to the weather when he was around. The whole town seemed to be afraid of the twins, and they didn't really mingle with "people like her", as Daemon said himself. Things started to get more and more suspicious, until Katy was attacked. Daemon rushed over to save her and ended up marking her.
Yes, the gorgeous boy next door turned out to be an alien.

And there was nothing wrong with that. ;)

I really liked Kathy. She was a very interesting character, being a shy, 'curvy' blogger and all, but I couldn't help but compare her to Daimon's protagonist, Alex. So she did come out a bit lacking to me at first... but then it was like she grew some serious cojones! She finally had enough of Daemon pulling her chain and started attacking back. LOL. That was fun to read.

But my favorite character really was... surprise, surprise!!! Daemon.

Gods, the guy knew how to be a pain in the ass. He was so annoying! Sure, we readers like it when our heroes are hard to get close to, and it's fun when they tease our heroines, but by Golly, I kept picturing him being run over by a car. And then being kissed senseless by me. Yes. That was Weird (with a capital letter). LOL.

Like Katy said in the book, it's surprising to find out that Like and Lust aren't necessarily connected. :p

But of course he had every reasons to act like he did, as we find out later on. The poor thing. :((

Oh. Something else was bothering me. I was over 80% done with the book when I started to really wonder if they would EVER kiss.

The tension grew and grew and GREW.... and, oh, boy. Was it worth it!!! There was this super hot make out scene!!! O.O (simply for the sake of dispelling traceable energy, of course).

Really, it was probably the hottest scene I've ever read in YA lit. ;) It really made up for the wait and lack of PDA between the couple throughout the first 3/4 of the book.

The action scenes were very exciting, too. I actually felt like getting a piece of obsidian to protection, myself. LOL.

Right by the end of the book I got a bit mad with Kat (how could SHE be so mean to my dear Daemon?? Especially when he was finally starting to be nice... :P), but I guess it had to happen.

We'll see what happens in the next book! :)
It's a good thing Armentrout is a fast writer, because I can't wait!

If I got you interested in Obsidian, you can read the first chapter here.

I received a digital copy of Obsidian from Entangled Publishing by Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

Giu 20/11/2011

A Jennifer me encantou com Half-Blood e eu admito que estava morrendo para ler Obsidian e minhas expectativas eram bem altas, mas nada me preparou para isso.
Eu simplesmente amei o livro, mas do que isso, se pudesse daria uma avaliação acima de 5 estrelas. Eu sei que apesar de ter uma ARC eu vou precisar ter esse livros em mãos, principalmente para forçar meus filhos a lerem quando eles, vocês sabem, existirem haha.
Eu não fiquei preocupada com as diferenças de tema entre os dois livros que ela escreveu e nem precisava. Obsidian passa um conceito incrível de aliens, que eu não vou entrar em detalhes para não estragar a surpresa de ninguém, mas posso dizer que é um alivio eles não serem verdes e com olhos grandes, pretos, sem pupila (:
O livro possui uma narrativa rápida, sem nenhuma parte tediante e cheia de dialogos engraçados. É daquele tipo de livro que você tem vontade de parar de ler só para não chegar ao seu fim, mas também não consegue porque é viciante e você precisa saber o que vai acontecer com os personagens.
O mais legal é como você pode ver as cenas claramente acontecendo na sua cabeça, e poucas autoras que estão começando agora conseguem fazer isso. Obsidian se passou como um filme na minha cabeça.
Eu simplesmente amei a Katy, apesar dela ser uma simples humana no meio dos aliens, ela é forte e se recusa a ser um fardo. Ela é mais corajosa do que todo mundo espera e acaba surpreendendo até a si mesma. Além disso, aposto que muitos se identificaram com ela e seu amor por livros *-*
Dee é outra personagem que eu amei, ela é tão viva, tão animada e não liga para o preconceito entre os humanos e aliens, ela é amiga de Katy e pronto. Eu amei a amizade delas e como ela interagia com o irmão.
Deamon é arrogante, lindo, com o humor meio instável, protege a irmã a todo custo e simplesmente ama irritar a Katy. E advinha? Eu amei ele também (: Na verdade eu gostei de todos os personagens, até gostei de odiar alguns.
A relação entre os mocinhos é hilária e não tem como torcer para os dois se entenderem. Só com os olhares trocados entre eles já dava para sentir uma química enorme e dava para sentir a tensão sexual entre os dois como se eles estivessem do seu lado, no mesmo comodo que você.
Enfim amei tudo, desde o fato de poder sentir todas as emoções da protagonista até aquela decepção do livro ter acabado, nem preciso dizer que eu estou morrendo para colocar as mãos em outra continuação dos livros da Jennifer Armentrout, certo?
Por que eu realmente não sei se vou conseguir aguentar muito até minha proxima dose de Deamon…
Bom, vocês já sabem né? Eu recomendo muito que quando chegar dia 6 vocês corram para comprar o livro, preparem seus kindles ou ereaders, ou fiquem esperando na frente do correio mesmo, por que Obsidian é um livro que não deve ser perdido…

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