The Prophet

The Prophet Amanda Stevens

Resenhas - The Prophet

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Ivy (De repente, no último livro) 26/01/2021

O romance ainda não me convence, mas as reviravoltas da trama foram ótimas
Eu fiquei tão imersa nesta serie que acabei lendo os três primeiros livros quase que na sequência e em todos fui me surpreendendo com a capacidade incrivel da autora nos surpreender e conseguir ligar cada informação revelada ao longo do livro.
Fiquei um pouco decepcionada porque a sinopse promete uma interação maior entre a Amelia e o Robert Fremont, e me senti um pouco defraudada quando cheguei aos 75% de livro lido e praticamente não encontrava isso. De alguma maneira que nem sei explicar o drama de Devlin acabou novamente roubando a cena e eu super me surpreendi com a criatividade da autora que soube ligar os personagens de Devlin e de Fremont de uma maneira que não dava sequer pra suspeitar de início.
Eu ainda adoro essa série, acho o ritmo bem ágil e eu no geral gosto da Amelia. Porém nesta terceira parte notei alguns problemas que me fizeram cansar. O romance não é tão bacana, Amelia age de maneira colegial, bem infantil mesmo delirando pelo amado e numa personagem de quase 30 anos, seus delírios de paixão ficaram bem ridículos, principalmente por ocorrerem em momentos importantes, que a gente espera uma maior maturidade da Amelia.
Aliás, embora seja uma série ótima, eu notei que Amelia evoluiu pouco. No primeiro livro é natural que ela fosse mais frágil, mas depois de um segundo livro recheado de informações, eu esperei por uma Amelia mais aguerrida, e foi frustrante encontrá-la ainda nas mesmas neuras, e ainda por cima com suas paixonites de colegial.
A trama sim segue me surpreendendo. A narrativa decai às vezes, e pode cansar um pouco, principalmente para o leitor que esperava mais de Fremont, porém, o final, quando todas as peças se encaixam, fez valer a pena e me deixou ainda com ânimo e fôlego para seguir ansiosa a leitura dos próximos. (


Kah 31/03/2012

In this exciting new stallment of the thrilling paranormal series, our Graveyard Queen, Amelia Gray, returns to Charleston, home of her love, John Devlin and all of his ghosts.

The ghost of Shani, Devlin's daughter continues to follow Amelia around, like she started in the last book, but this time more insistently, begging to be found and to be helped.... but every time Amelia comes even a bit close to finding answers, Mariama's ghost pushes her away. And now Darius, a master of the dark arts and Mariama's cousin, is also in the picture, ready to terrorize and confuse Amelia.

But his time the ghost Prophet needs her help as well. Robert Fremont, a murdered cop and an old friend of Devlin's, wants Amelia to find his killer. Except that with his memory loss and erratic prophetic powers in the way, the investigation promises to be not only difficult, but very dangerous.

Amelia has broken all of her father's rules. Rules she's been raised with, created to keep her safe from the darkness and evil creatures that walk between worlds. Now she's being followed by something. Something very strong and very dark. And this murder investigation involves much more than she first thought it would. Dark magic, blackmail, betrayal and even more murders threaten to be unveiled...

Surrounded and bothered by ghosts most of the time, Amelia sometimes forget that the living can be just as frightening as the dead... and she's just about to discover that when they work together, things can get very, very ugly.

I can't believe I forgot how mysterious and exciting Amanda Stevens' writing can be! She drives us crazy with curiosity over every small detail that is slowly unearthed throughout the story, tempting us to join in the investigating process, making us writhe with the urge to discover everything that is going on as quickly as possible. Nothing is as simple as we first thought, nobody is completely innocent and everything is somehow interconnected. Really, this author has the gift of writing the best thrillers! With such a thick cloud of mystery over every case, it should become a tiring, even repetitive read, but it's not! It's always powerful, provoking and stimulating tales! She surprises us at every page. With this one you can be sure you'll NEVER guess the ending before you should. And that is such a relief, let me tell you.

It probably sounds a bit like over-gushing, but this series deserve every praise. As soon as we finish one volume we start to think that there's no way the next one will be as good... but then the author comes and hits us over the head with the awesomeness that is her new story. Every single one turns out even better than the next. I have no idea how she does it, but I'm glad her already fantastic writing always manages to improve!

Amelia is such a smart, gifted, independent character. I just love her. And her feelings for Devlin? Gods, they are almost palpable! Their awareness is so strong, their physical link so intense that you almost expect them to slip off the pages. It's almost unsettling, stirring and compelling, all at the same time. I especially like this romance because it didn't just spring up from nowhere. It slowly built up. It was violently ended. It built up again, was denied, tried to be ignored... but they still can't stay away from each other! Even when everything and everyone seems to be against them. Pretty much themselves included, most of the time. That is real, powerful love. Not the instant, fleeting, weak thing that wants to be called real that we get from most books these days.

But, obviously, the book is not all about romance. It is just a part of it, a very important part, sure, but the story is so much more complex than just that. You get horrified over the haunting ghosts and creepy entities and their actions, you get intrigued over the clues and old secrets that are slowly discovered, you get suspicious over new odd characters we are introduced to and very surprised over the actions of old characters you thought you knew. There is never a boring moment with Amelia, that's for sure. That ending was supposed to make us readers feel better, to have some sort of completion... but it only managed to make us even more distressed and desperate to read the next volume! LOL. Way to go, Miss Stevens.

If you like surprises, a romantic and mysterious thriller with a fast pace and very creepy moments, then you'll go insane over this series. I know I did.

* I was lucky enough to receive an eARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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